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Phone acting strangely? It could be malware

Malware doesn’t exclusively target computers; whether you have an android or an iOS, you could be at risk. Here are 5 signs that your phone could be infected with malware.

  1. Adverts are suddenly everywhere

    Not all malware is sneaky; some malware will be designed to get right in your face by throwing adverts onto your screen. These pop-up adverts might encourage you to click a bunch of different links and download a bunch more malware, input your information or ask for your bank details.

    Your phone shouldn’t be covered in advertisements. If you’re noticing your home screen is cluttered with pop-ups, it might be malware.

  2. Performance is dropping

    Another sign of malware is a distinct change in your phone’s performance. It could be taking you a long time to open an application, make a call or load up a website. Your phone might be overheating frequently, or be hot to the touch. Your battery might be draining quickly, and you’re needing to charge your device multiple times throughout the day.

    If your phone is a lot slower than usual or it's struggling to keep up, something else might be running in the background.

  3. Weird texts, calls and apps

    Check your inbox; are there contacts that you don’t recognise, or messages that you didn’t send? What about your call log? Do you recognise the incoming and outcoming calls on there? Have you noticed an app that you can’t remember downloading? When a phone has been infected with malware, hackers can text, call and install things on your phone.

    If your phone has been sending strange messages, or you’ve found some applications that you didn’t install, this could be a sign of malware.

  4. Bills are skyrocketing

    So your phone is so busy texting strangers, downloading apps and throwing adverts at you; who is paying for all this increased phone usage? It’ll be your bills that are skyrocketing. This might be through your data usage dramatically increasing, costs for thos illegitimate texts and calls, or charges for new application subscriptions.

    There shouldn’t be anything on your phone bill that you don’t recognise. If you don’t remember making those purchases, it might not be you making them.

  5. It’s a struggle to get to Settings

    A huge red flag that your phone could be infected with malware is that you’re struggling to get into your Settings. There’s a lot of information in your Settings; your phone usage, your downloaded applications, the ability to factory reset your phone. Hackers know this, and so some malware will prevent you from opening your Settings at all.

    If your phone crashes, restarts or simply doesn’t respond when you’re trying to open your Settings, it might mean that your phone is infected.

What should I do if my phone has malware?

If you think your phone is infected with malware, try installing antivirus software and using the application to scan your device. Antivirus software should be able to locate the malware and remove it from your device, as well as keep your phone safe from future malware infections. 

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