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Make your workplace menopause aware

Two thirds (67%) of working women between the ages of 40 and 60 with experience of menopausal symptoms said they have had a mostly negative impact on them at work. For people going through the menopause, the struggle to concentrate, the increased stress and their physical capacity can completely change the way that they experience the workplace. However, there are actions that employers can take in order to make a difference.

What is menopause?

Menopause is where periods stop due to lower hormone levels; most prominently oestrogen, but also progesterone and testosterone. Menopause can affect anyone who has periods, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, although it can happen any time and many people experience symptoms of the menopause up to ten years before their periods stop.

Perimenopause is what happens before the menopause, where oestrogen levels start to decline. People might notice their periods changing at this point as they become more irregular. The fluctuating level of hormones can also result in hot flushes, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, night sweats, irritability, muscle aches, heart palpitations, skin changes, reduced desire for sex, vaginal atrophy, UTIs and even sensitive teeth. 

Some people choose to take HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, in order to manage and mitigate the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. However, some people don’t even know that they are experiencing perimenopause or menopause, some people choose not to take HRT, and some people, like those who have oestrogen dependent cancer or liver disease, can’t take HRT. 

What are an employer’s legal obligations?

In February 2024, the Equality and Human Rights Commission outlined employers’ legal obligations when it came to supporting employees who are menopausal, stating that, ‘Under the Equality Act 2010, workers are protected from discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the basis of protected characteristics including disability, age and sex.’

‘If menopause symptoms have a long term and substantial impact…these symptoms could be considered a disability. If menopause symptoms amount to a disability, an employer will be under legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments.’

‘Women experiencing menopause symptoms may also be protected from direct and indirect discrimination, as well as harassment and victimisation, on the grounds of age and sex. Under health and safety legislation, employers also have a legal obligation to conduct an assessment of their workplace risks.’ 

Taking action to support your menopausal employees

The Equality and Human Rights Commission outlined a number of things that employers can do in order to support employees who are perimenopausal, or menopausal, including the following: 

  • Providing rest rooms or quiet rooms

  • Providing fans to help manage hot flushes

  • Relaxing uniform policies and allowing employees to wear cooler clothing

  • Allowing staff to work from home where possible

  • Varying start and finish times of shifts

Employers should also make sure that they are informed and aware of the menopause, perimenopause and associated symptoms. 

Creating a menopause policy, and making opportunities to discuss this with your staff can help raise employees' awareness of the support that is available, and can also aid you in normalising conversations about menopause and perimenopause within teams. 

For more information about how to support employees who are perimenopausal, or menopausal, visit ACAS

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